2 Unexpected Factors That Drive Up the Cost of Divorce

Let us face it; so many questions are going to run in your head when preparing for a divorce. Of all the thoughts, one thing everyone will want to know is the final divorce Singapore cost. This might not come as a surprise considering it is so difficult to determine how much your divorce will cost. Without understanding all the specific details of the case, then you may not know the divorce services needed thus finding it hard in providing an accurate estimate of the total cost. To give you a slight insight of what is set to come your way, here are two unexpected factors that drive up the cost of divorce.

  • Contentious Issues Might Increase the Cost

When preparing yourself for a divorce, it is mandatory that you factor in the number of issues you have to work out. Some of the most notable issues one must decide on include alimony and child support, child custody, dividing assets to mention a few. If you are going to make do with a contested divorce, then you should be ready to pay more. Keep in mind the more issues you and your spouse can agree on, the better when it comes to divorce fees Singapore.

  • Post-Decree Divorce Expenses

If you think the hit to your wallet will be over as soon as the both of you reach a settlement, then you’re totally mistaking. Depending on the issues in your case, you might have to make do with alimony or child support payments for years to come. For instance, you may have to hire an attorney when filing for child support modification.  Even though you will not have to dig deeper into your pockets as is the case with the initial settlement, it is still going to increase the overall cost.

The Bottom Line

There are so many things that come into play when it comes to the cost of divorce. You should therefore understand the grounds for divorce Singapore before moving on to the next step. If you are planning to have expat divorce Singapore, then you should consider seeking the help of Lie Chin Chin one of the leading service providers when it comes to family law in Singapore. Fortunately, you can always check out their official website and examine their packages before moving on to the next step.