Buying a residential HVAC unit is among the best investment decisions you can ever make. The right unit helps cool and heat your home giving you the comfort you badly desire. No wonder it is one of the appliances you need to have in your home at any time. But the problem sets in when you have to choose the best for your needs.
With different types of air conditioners available, it could prove difficult to find the best for your needs. The good news is you can get over it provided you do your homework. Below are some of the different types of air conditioners to choose from.
Ductless, Mini-Split Air Conditioner
For a home that has been retrofitted, a Ductless, mini-split air conditioner is the best way to go. This type of air conditioner is fitted with an outdoor condenser or compressor an indoor handling unit just like central air conditioner systems.If you want to cool each room of your house separately then going with this Ductless, mini –split air conditioner will do the work.
This conditioner can have close to four indoor handling units that release cool air as they are all connected to the outdoor unit.The indoor handling units are all fitted with separate thermostat systems making it easy for you to adjust the temperature of a given room without interfering with that of a different room.
Portable Air Conditioner
This type of air conditioner is an improvement over the window air conditioner that is also widely used. A portable air conditioner works by taking the air in the room, cooling it, and then redirecting it back into your house. For any warm air that is outside, this air conditioner vents it by using an exhaust hose that is separately installed in a window.
The portable air conditioner is specifically designed to offer the cooling effects in one single room of your house or office. They are more suited to people who have a low budget, as they are cheap but still cool your house effectively.