If you thought a unique and compelling website is going to take your business a notch higher, you are mistaking. Gone are the days when these two had an important role to play in web design. Despite this, a number of small businesses still design their sites with the main intention of saving money and taking control of the project. Don’t be that website since you’ll never get a better return on investment no matter how hard you try. Going back to our topic of discussion, below are common web design mistakes small businesses need to avoid.
- Confusing Brand Website
One of the biggest web design mistakes many small businesses make is relying on a ‘confused brand’ website. By this we are simply referring to a site with a wide range of typefaces, themes, color palettes and images yet they do not relate to each other. This mostly happens when you know nothing or have shallow knowledge regarding your brand image. If this sounds like you, then it is high time that you made the necessary changes. When designing your business website, be sure to go with one logo, one theme, and one typeface. Actually, this should apply across all the aspects of your website.
- Irrelevant Images
The photos and graphics you choose to use play a vital role in web design. In fact, images trigger thoughts even before a visitor can start reading text. All that said, a high number of small businesses are fond of using ugly or irrelevant images on their site not knowing it might cost them. Remember, low quality images turns off visitors whereas irrelevant images confuse them even further. In fact, many will struggle to know what you’re trying to pass across. If you’ve been doing this, it is time to stop before losing out to your competitors.
Winding Up
Mistakes are set to happen especially when you are a rookie in web design. The secret lies in learning from your past mistakes and those made by other small businesses. Do not shy away from asking for help in case things do not seem to be working out. The good news is there are so many web design companies out there you can count on. All it takes is for you to partner with a web design agency that has amassed years of experience in the industry.